LG’s webOS operating system for digital signage has come a long way since its debut in 2014. With each new release the operating system has become much more stable and comprehensive in addressing the requirements of signage industry. Now, it is at a stage where LG webOS signage monitor far out-beats most combinations of non-smart Display plus an external media box. Among SOC Displays, LG would rank among the top 2 most preferred smart signage monitors in the market.

Remote Firmware update : Firmware update will upgrade your signage display with advanced operational instructions without needing any upgradation in the hardware and having the possibility to do so remotely with a CMS will save a lot of time and effort. Just imagine the kind of effort that goes into installing a new firmware manually for a network of 100 displays located at multiple places. The same can be achieved with almost zero effort.
Accurate Display Status : While using a media box, the CMS can only indicate if the media box is running or not but cannot identify if the display is actually playing content. In a scenario, where the media box is running but the display is OFF, the CMS indicates everything is running but the reality is not so. With SOC display, the status indicated in the CMS is going to be a reflection of actual status.
Price Advantage : Few years back, SOC displays were expensive compared to a normal Display plus an external media box combination. Not so anymore. The price of an SOC display is either equal to or less than an equivalent Display plus an external media box combination. Makes even more sense to choose an SOC display for your next signage installation.
Display Control : SOC displays offer a range of display control features like Volume control, IR On/OFF, Panel control (panel OFF), Power schedule, Display Reboot etc; all of which can be done remotely via the CMS with LG. One might think how would IR On/Off would be helpful. Think of a signage implementation in a cinema hall where multiple displays are at close proximity to each other. Using a remote in such a scenario would effect multiple displays even if our intention is to control just one monitor. IR ON/OFF would be helpful in such situations.
Mature Operating System with good developer community : LG webOS has come a long way from the debut webOS 1.0 to webOS 4.5. The current version of OS is quite stable considering the years of effort and developer community feedback that went into enhancing the operating system.
Warranty: Branded SOC displays offer a 3 year commercial warranty and can run 24*7
Live TV: With the right CMS partner, Live TV via HDMI IN and signage can run simultaneously with LG webOS. Implementations in Resto bars usually divide the screen into 3 parts by giving maximum portion to Live TV and the remaining 2 panes are used for branding or promotions.
Several SDK’s for 3rd party CMS providers : SDKs from LG makes it easier for 3rd party CMS providers to implement features like display control, Live TV and more. Also, SKDs provide access to detailed information of the product including but not limited to model number, firmware version, free space in the display, display settings information and more. All of which will be handy while addressing any support related issues with end-user. While addressing any issue if we had to ask the end-user to get the settings info manually Vs getting the info automatically will make a world of difference for the customer.
Good 3rd party CMS provider community : With LG webOS, there are a host of CMS providers to choose from according to the requirements and budget. Good support to developer community ensures any software issues are resolved faster.
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