How to Install Zeetaminds Digital Signage App in IAdea Media Player?
1. Download App
You can directly download our signage app from this link and install
it on your device.
2. Configure Network and Date/Time
Make sure that the Network (Ethernet or Wi-Fi) is configured and the Date/Time is set.
3. Install App (Android 7.1 or above)
Copy zminstaller.apk to a USB drive
Turn on the media player
Insert the USB drive into the USB port
Click "Advanced" at "Basic Settings" and click on the "lower right corner" 3 times using the mouse to go to "Android Home"
Select "Applications"-> "File Manager"
Select "SD Card", click the zminstaller.apk file and click "Install"
Remove the USB drive
Open the installer app, and it will download and install the signage player. Once it is installed, you will be prompted to allow permission for "Allow display over other apps". Enable this permission.
4. Launch App
The signage app will be launched by default when the device is restarted. You will be presented with a security key, as shown below. This security key is needed to add a display in the CMS.